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I saw your post on Facebook this morning, and the responses. At first, I thought that maybe I didn't have a right to an opinion since I have been surrounded by little girls for so long, but I have sent my daughter to a public bathroom by herself, not Mea obviously, but Mack has since she was about 7 or so. Holy moly! That "30 second" response, was pretty lengthy!

I so agree with Facebook being weird. Sometimes it's nice to be able to connect with people, and other times I really wonder to myself, "what was I thinking!" I have deleted several people, when I haven't liked their status updates, and/or if they leave snarkey replies to mine.

I think the messages you are trying to send to your boys is right on, and by letting them use the men's room occaisionally, when you feel safe about it, that sends a message to them that you trust them and others. As a parent, we are to teach and guide our children to make good decisions, and they learn by ours.


i love you sister!!!!!

you are right and makes me think alot about how i want my kids to view the world.

Mamá Gringa

I totally agree with the messages you want to teach your boys. I think you are doing what's right for you and them. Great post! Made me think about the fears that I have and I don't want to pass them onto my children...


dude. i agree with everything you wrote here, for sure!
and, thanks for your story on my blog. i'm so sad that fellow kid said that to your kid. boooo. i'd say it was a combo of his parents/the rallies. yuck.

Erin O'

I agree, too. I do the case-by-case basis thing. When the two of them are together, it's an easier decision, and I wait outside, too. Lire isn't crazy about going to the men's room alone, so I let him use the ladies' room while I wait outside the stall, he doesn't mind -- yet.

Erin O'

hey there -- thanks for commenting on my post. I can't seem to reply to comments any longer, except publicly on the blog, so I thought I'd say thank you here.

Things are better, much, much better than they were in the first year. We still have challenges (for instance last night H screamed for 1/2 hour when I tried to wash and dry his sand-encrusted hair. Can that boy scream!), but mostly things are good. I still am working on responding, rather than reacting, to the opposition and defiance, but it's better.

Love the photos of your boys! Especially the red hats and capes!


Not so much worried about the men in the men's bathroom...it is just so dirty ;)...sometimes I make Brian and Noah leave and do their business in a public restroom just to keep the pee out of my bathroom...seriously, I agree and struggle in the same way.

I am

I'm pretty sure you just made my day. I just wish that all the people who transfer their kids out of classrooms with male teachers would remember that women can be pedophiles too! Mary Kay Letourneau anyone?

But that's beside the point. It's really nice to hear someone say masculinity isn't a terrible genetic disease. Thanks.

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