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zunzun (previously "Eos)

They are one incredibly beautiful couple!

You are killllling me!LOL! I've missed you and inquiring minds want to know what kind of tattoo you got and how's the new place...the kids sound like they are doing great.

missed ya!


Great photo! Lovely couple!

I'm glad to hear traveling with kids gets easier!
Right now I am trying to imagine what it will be like to fly home from South Africa with a 2 year old and a 1 year old. Aaaaaack!!!!!! Meltdowns galore!!!!!!!!

Ooooh, I envy you your abundance of time alone! Hoping you will get a bunch out of it (including sleep!) ;-)


Okay, so you had mentioned that your brother was attractive but, wow. :)

So glad to hear from you. I wondered if you had fallen off of the bloggy edge. :)

You have cows now? What?


That's a wonderful photo, they look so happy. I really like the one where her eyes match the green scarf.

So you have cows - are you now living on a farm? How cool.


What a beautiful couple, your brother and his wife make! I would have to say, I might be a bit envious of having some time alone...at least for a bit!

hose adapters

Nice to see you both happy with each other.

Angelo H

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