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good grief, i don't know what to say! that definitely sounds like a tough situation! maybe the "rules" don't apply to foster parents?

i understand your desperation on this!


Oh fb how I love you! One step closer...I say contact and see what happens. Just think of the world that could open up for your sweet one?

We will be praying too.


Oh, wow.

I'd probably go for it and send her a message to let her know who you are. But it's easy for me to say that, since I'm not the one facing the decision!


I would verify this:
"agency told us that South Africa does not allow contact" with birth family.

I would find out whose rule that is. Is that an agency rule, a South African law, an USA immigration recommendation, etc.

Your agency may be explaining things to you in a way that is aligned with their agenda, not yours. And you may find that your intrepetation of the rules/laws/guidelines are much different.

Is there actually a law in South Africa that people who were adopted are not allowed to contact certain people? Who is constrained by the law, the adopted person (who had no say in the matter)? the adopted persons adoptive family? the adopted persons friends? the adoptive persons neighbors? The birth family? The birth family's friends? etc.

Obviously I am a huge proponent of adopted people having access to their birth family. To me this is a human rights issue.

anyway, i know my posts come across wrong sometimes. this is meant to be supportive of you and your son, I hope that comes across.


We are in contact with Mea's foster mom via facebook, and it's awesome. She lives in the same state as us, but several hundred miles away. She gets to see pictures of my beautiful girl, and see how happy she is. She came to Mea's second birthday party, and we have a wonderful relationship. I would encourage you to make contact, if you can figure out the legal stuff, too. It's really nice to say to her, this is J, she took care of you until you came home.


Hmm. I am a little bit of a rule breaker. So my initial response is.. "can't contact.. or what happens?"


I'd say go for it too. Knowing is better than not knowing, and if you can find any info. about his birth family that would be fantastic.


I'm totally agreeing with Corey above. If it's something to help my kids, I'm a rule breaker!
Caution to the wind ~ perhaps she'll have baby pictures you've never seen? Maybe she'll have info you didn't get. Maybe not. But maybe.
How exciting... had you ever met her?
If I were a foster mom, I'd LOVE to hear how my babies were doing! But that's the kind of person I am. And, if she's a foster mom, shouldn't that mean she has a big heart?
Ack! Do share the rest of the story!
Thinking of you!!!

mrs. r

Hello! (i agree with sunny, btw!)

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Maria Huber

What a heartfelt post! I applaud your passion; it is an inspiration in the adoption community! Maria

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