Would you like to know how I started my short-term stint into stay-home motherhood? I sent my kids to school.
It's been lovely.
I took them to school the last two days because I had a lot to get done, lots of errands and appointments that I've been putting off thinking, "Well, I'll do that when I'm off work." Turned out that there was enough to do that I didn't want to drag the boys around with me.
And we're paying for school this week whether they go or not, so... They went.
Oh yeah, that's me: Mother of the Year!
Let me tell you, this is quite a gig. I would be a GREAT stay-home mom of kids who are in school!
I'm almost packed for our upcoming trip. The laundry is ALL DONE. My floors are mostly clean. (Well, they don't crunch when you walk on them, so that counts, right?) I bathed the dog and clipped his nails. I chatted with my sister and my mom. I spent 45 minutes this morning at a coffee place sipping tea and reading a book! All by myself! My nails are freshly painted, my hair is newly cut, and my legs are shaved.
I've accomplished a lot, but I haven't felt rushed or harried.
I actually made scrambled eggs for the kids for breakfast and we sat at the table and ate and chatted before we left for school. Not that scrambled eggs are difficult or anything, but on weekday mornings were are a strictly toast-or-cereal family.
This evening I played checkers with Sparkle and read books with Pumpkin. Again, it's not that those thing never happen anyway but I didn't feel like doing those things with the kids was keeping me from getting other stuff done. Does that make sense?
Anyway, tomorrow is their last school day. Ask me in a month or so how I feel about being a temporary stay-home mom, but for the last two days I've been loving it!!
(Here's Pumpkin playing with his special kitty, Tessie PomPom.)
(Oh, and I forgot to mention that I got the boys these Kamik shoes as their second pair of summer shoes. I think they'll be an okay choice... I like sandals rather than closed shoes for breath-ability, and a covered toe because it protects both the shoe and the kid from damage. Flip-flops are not allowed at their school, not that it matters this summer.)