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You can definitely cook split peas in the crock pot, and chickpeas, too. It's the only way I ever do beans anymore. After you cook the chickpeas you can freeze them in can-sized portions, then figure out what to do with them later in the year. That's my CSA approach. :)


It works best if you soak the chick peas overnight first - or "quick soak" by bringing them to a boil and letting them stand about an hour. Then put them in the slow cooker. Here is a good recipe http://www.eatingwell.com/search/?q=squash+chickpea


oops wrong link, it's


Hi, I'm Janell--I came across your blog a week or so ago. Your boys are adorable! I am an adoptive mom too - my younger daughter came to us through foster care and it has been an amazing journey.

Chick peas are a great for meatless meals. After they're cooked you can season them like taco meat, mash them, and make tacos. Yum! Good luck getting all the veggies in. :)


chickpeas ! Make hummus after you've cooked them, one of the best dips ever!

In Italy we make summer salads with cooked chickpeas, onions or chives and tuna, makes a very healthy salad!

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