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That's awesome! Being a two teacher family, we are spoiled with our summers. We do work at a camp, but it's all together, so it's fun! And beyond the camp, the rest of the time is all ours.

I think you'll be a great SAHSM (Stay at home summer mom!)


It will be fun! Your kids will enjoy it.

I have really enjoyed being at home with the baby, however, I find myself working more at home than I did at work. I rip and run all day, and by 9 I'm worn out. Our home has become the neighborhood kid's place, and we have kids over every afternoon when school is out. This can be somewhat tiring having so much noise and extra children around everyday.

I am not looking forward to going back to work at all.


I love your honesty...I've done both (stay at home full time and worked out of the home) and although I'm currently at home (fostering and trying to figure out if we'll go ahead w/ state adoption or not...lately family of three doesn't sound so bad!LOL) I've come to realize that I was a better parent when I had another outlet...reason why, if this fostering/adoption thing doesn't work out, I'll have to either go back to school or just get a job!LOL

You'll enjoy it though...and yes...what a wonderful job/employer to let you have this opportunity.


This is wonderful! How fortunate you are to be able to spend the summer with your boys. They will love it and so will you. Maybe you won't want to go back to work...


How fun!

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