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Aw, Pumpkin. What a sweetheart.


That's beautiful! Sweetness at it's best! :)


I took 6 weeks off this summer to spend with my darling and boy was it hard for him to go to school and let me leave for work...still is after 2.5 months! So I know exactly how you felt!

What a sweetheart - don't those tear trickles break your heart?


Claire is like that in the morning too. Really anytime she is hungry, she gets so whiny and needy and nothing seems to please her until she starts eating. It's frustrating sometimes.

Glad you were able to have a nice evening together.


I can recognize everything about the mornings you have. A doctor told us to give our prince a couple of raisins in bed so he got hissuger level up after the night and actually it works. He is able to eat breakfast withoutto much grumpyness!


It's good to be needed too! I'm glad you decided to be late to work. Keep up the good work

Angela (eos)

Just a quick note to say I'm glad you are back and that this may have been due to some post-vacation reaction type thing...although I understand...when I was working Ky pulled a few of those too...ugh...so hard on the heart!LOL

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