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Thanks for adding your wise perspective to this discussion. :)


Funny, I just had a conversation with my son last night about how we should address his birth parents...I often just call them "his mom and dad" or even "his mommy and daddy" but he said that confuses him - he prefers his "Haiti mom and dad". I do use their first names in his bedtime song since they fit better with the tune. I actually have never felt threatened by them (but that might change if we go back to visit them as I hope we will soon) Knowing who they are but that they are a long way away might be making me complacent....
We also had the talk about "real moms" and we decided that it was perfectly fine for him to have two "real moms"!


Thanks for sharing your feelings and being honest about feeling defensive. I also believe that is a natural part of loving and protecting your children.


Thanks for sharing these thoughts.


Very well said. I think that it can be difficult, because it is a very fine balance. The older I get, the less "threatened" I feel. I know that these are my kids, but I know that they belong to other people, too. And I'm pretty comfortable with that now.

Heidi-happy mom

very very very well done!

I could say a millions things but instead i will say I agree!

thank you


Very wise post. Thank you for sharing your own experience. Feelings are meant to be felt and you have shown us how to use them for thinking fuel.

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