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Oh. My. God.
Either way--
On the edge of my seat here. Either way.
And you know, I am so interested, because we're having the exact same conversations around and around and around here in our neck of the woods. So I'm anxious to see what unfolds for YOU! ;)
Email me if you want to set up a phone call to CHAT. Heather


Is she going to parent this child? Or is she asking you to adopt him/her? Just curious.

You and Beloved sound like dedicated, loving, and intelligent parents. Even if the decision has been hard to make and come to grips with; it sounds like you made the right choice for your family.


Well, darn. I was hoping to live vicariously through your pregnancy. But I do entirely respect your decision and am looking forward to hearing more about Pumpkin's birthmom's situation.


Funny, I was just thinking about you and wondering if you had come to a decision yet. I hope you are able to embrace your decision and live it to the fullest!


As we await arrival of possible baby #1, we have been in a lot of discussion of "how many children we want." Maybe we'll have four! Of course, infertility and adoption has taught me that much of this is beyond our control. Also, I am sure after we are parenting a real, live baby, I am sure we'll realize just how much work it entails! :-)

I am definitely interested in reading your thoughts about Pumpkin's first mom.


Adding to the family is a big decision for sure. We've been mulling it over for a while and an opportunity presented itself not long ago, but then fell apart when social services made a decision we could do nothing about.

I was wondering what your decision would be.


Wow, life throws a lot of curveballs. Just when you thought you had made your decision...

My best wishes to you as you work through this.

Erin O'

Wow is right. We are too early into our first adoption experience to contemplate a third child, but every once in a while I wonder...

Much strength to you and Beloved as you go through all this.

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