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Heidi - happy mom

Oh I love that! I feel the same way I only wish that I had started years ago! catching up is tough too.

He is so adorable!

Laundry & Children

That is great. There was a time with our kids that the only way we could get them to eat anything was to put Ketchup on it. Given the opportunity, I would have found them the same way.


Such beautiful eyes-very cute picture of your son : )


A boy after my own heart!

(My DH accuses me of treating ketchup like it's it's very own food group. As in: would like like some fries with your ketchup?).

I can see why you nickname him Sparkle . . . adorable!

Lisa M


Everyone, loves Ketchup.

(well, okay not everyone, but mostly.)

Heidi - happy mom

needed to comment again,becuase I changed my URL

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