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Laundry & Children

It sounds like you did a great job. I am sure that it meant the world to Sparkle.


Fabulous! You really pulled it all together. Sounds like fun.


Sounds like it went great! Seems like you were able to find the right "level" to put it on!

You are definitely COOL parents!

Can't wait for this opportunity to happen for us!

Heidi - happy mom

I appreciate hearing your wonderful point of view, Your presentation sounded like it went great. We are just going to be starting the preschool thing, I am excited.


Sounds like it went well and you really put a lot of thought into it. I always think the interactive kinds of things of having something tangible for the kids goes over better.

South African Zulu woman

I've been reading your blog for a while but never commented. Just delurking to say I liked how you presented the different groups of South African for the kids to understand.

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