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THANK YOU for that verse!!! That is JUST what we needed!

What a beautiful story. God's timing is SO perfect!

And you have a BEAUTIFUL boy that proves it!


He's absolutely beautiful! Gorgeous! Thank you for the comforting verse as well.


What a great story; what a beautiful boy!


He IS beautiful. What an amazing memory.


It is just too cool that God provided us with those wise words so long before we even needed them. I only wish I had known that verse this time last year. 8^) I'll definitely be including it on my blog. Thanks!

PastorMac's Ann

Awwww, look at that guy! Those eyes! Wow. and I love the way that he's holding his hands together.

Sweet love.


That's a beautiful prayer and a beautiful boy.


happy anniversary! happy love thursday!


Precious boy! :-)


What a wonderful verse and precious story! Our adoptions were both domestic so I can't totally relate to the referral, but I can relate to the waiting. And I definitely can relate to knowing that God's timing is so perfect. Actually Isabella was 1 day old when they called us and they sent us an e-mail with pictures of her on it. I remember waiting for that e-mail and opening it with my husband and my parents. Then showing the pictures off at the next 2 days until we were given the Ok to fly to our baby! It was so precious!

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