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Wow, sounds like you are really analyzing this decision carefully, and that's a good thing.

I deal with a good deal of guilt when I think I'd like to have a little girl someday, and then I think hmm. . . how does that look? requesting a certain sex child. And then I think little back boys are the hardest to place, so by requsting a girl, I'm contributing to the problem of black males not finding homes. .


I am going through some similiar thoughts myself. Thank you for this.


Oh yes. We've been going through the same thing.

A third? If yes, then when? If yes, then boy/girl? Do we specify? Do we let it happen?


I have to say that I feel I am in the "easier" spot for this. Amelia is only 5 months old so we aren't thinking of adopting soon (nor could we even afford to think about it right now) but we definitely would like to adopt again. With both of our girls, we didn't specify the sex of the child. Isabella's birthmother delivered Isabella and then went through a stack of profiles and picked us (just the thought of that is overwhelming to me). With Amelia, we had gone through a big adoption fraud/scam, then started working with another agency, were told about her birthmother and that she was having a boy for about a 1/2 a day then were told that they were wrong, she was having a girl. It really didn't matter to us either way, and of course I wouldn't change my girls for anything. On a more simpler note it did make things easier - because with the money we had lost from the scam, we didn't have to go buy any new clothes or redecorate the nursery, etc. :) BUT, I know that it would be fun to have a boy and I'm sure my husband would love that so I wonder if next time we will specify. In one way, I never wanted to specify because I want God to bring us the exact child He has for us - but then I also know that I've read that more people are waiting for girls in adoption than boys, so should we specify a boy because of that or are we then taking things into our own hands?? My husband says we are going to specify, because he's not sure if he can handle being totally outnumbered and then fighting off boyfriends, paying for weddings ... :) He tries to be tough, but he's such a sucker for his 2 girls. Nobody realizes how complicating adoption can be - I had someone tell me, "well at least you can pick a boy next time" (to which we now have a second girl)
she was bitter because she had wanted a girl with her second child-- Oh yes, I forgot how easy infertility was because now I can "pick" the sex of my child, and lets not talk about how insurance pays for the birth of your children, but I'm taking out a home equity loan to pay for mine..... I guess I have a couple years to even think about this. - And I say with the way you are really looking at things, if you truly decide to specify for a daughter, don't feel guilty because there are little girls that need wonderful parents like you. And who knows, if you specify a girl, you still might get a call about a little boy that was meant to be yours. In the end we will have the children that are meant to be ours and whom we totally adore. (Sorry for such a long post, I guess I'm a little chatty today. :)

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